Happy New Year! So far it's been great, until some little germs finally found their way into our house and made some of us sick. But we made it half the school year with no illness so I am not to upset about it. It's a new record for this household!

Nate and I went up to Seattle and I am kicking myself for not buying this 2011 planner by Midori, a Japanese brand that hard to come by here. I saw it at Kinokuniya-it came in three different sizes. I really wanted the largest size but they only had the sample copy and wouldn't budge on the price, so being the stubborn one that I am I left without it. WHY!!!

We ate at Le Pichet, which was one of the most memorable meals I have had out in a long time. Then Nate's birthday came and we celebrated with sausages and paté from The Laurelhurst Market and homemade macaroni and cheese. So far the New Year has been decadent and good.

I have a few things I want to do this year, one is a big project which I will tell you about soon, but other than that I have made a couple of resolutions:

  • not to buy any new fabric until I have made a serious dent in my existing fabric pile, it's really out of hand!
  • to reduce our household garbage to a 20 gallon can, this is a really easy one.
  • to bring more tradition into my house. I have been thinking alot of our year in Japan and how much tradition showed inherently in the homes and landscape and really feel that is missing here. I am not sure how to achieve this, but now that we have our own home I am ready to try.
  • lastly, I want make prints of our (best) digital pictures and put them in albums. I have a box full of old pictures that suddenly stop at about the time we got married. It is so nice to have the real thing to hold and sort through.

What are your resolutions for the new year? I normally don't make any, but I am feeling inspired. I just need that planner...